Shigeru Fujita's Office



Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Processing

Resent Publications in English

  1. Claude Moulin, Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Synchronous Remote Collaboration Using Multi-touch Devices," to appear, 2013
  2. Susumu Konno, Shigeru Fujita, "Agent-Based Interface for a 3D Virtual Office Space," ICCI*CC2013,July 17-18, 2013, NY, USA
  3. Norio Shiratori,, "Symbiotic Computing Based Approach Towards Reducing Users Burden Due to Information Explosion", Jornal of Information Processing, 2012
  4. Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita,"Mobile Symbiotic Interaction between a User and a Personal Assistant Agent," ICCI*CC2012, 2012
  5. Shigeru Fujita, Kenji Sugawara, "A Design Method for User Centric System Development by Symbiotic Computing," Centric2012, 2012
  6. Shunya Takahasi, Shigeru Fujita, "A Case Study of the Autonomous Robot System in Outdoor Environment," IW-STEIC, 2012
  7. Shigeru Fujita, "Knowledge Management for a LAN design and operations using multi-agent systems," CSCWD2011, 2011
  8. Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Interaction Zone between an office worker," CSCWD 2011, 2011
  9. Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Non-verbal Interface of a Personal Agent based on Symbiotic Computing Model," ICCI*CC2011, 2011
  10. Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Low-Level Cognitive Process Model for Symbol Grounding in Context-Aware System," ICCI*CC2011, 2011
  11. Norio Shiratori, Toshimitu Miyamoto, Devasih Chakrabory, Hideyuki takahashi, Shigeru Fujita, Takuo Suganuma, Atsushi Takeda, "Post Ubiquitous Society: Problem, Proposals and its Applications,International Jounal of Informatics Soceity," Vol.1 No.1, ISSN 1883-4566, pp. 2-15, (2009)
  12. Cloude Moulin, Laurent Wouters, Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, Yusuke Manabe, "Multilingual Collaborative Design Support System",13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design,IEEE, pp. 312-318, (2009)
  13. Takahide Maemura, Shigeru Fujita Tetsuo Kinoshita, "Flexible Distributed System for Symbiotic Computing," 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI 2009), pp. 141-144, (2009)
  14. Kenji Sugawara, Yusuke Manabe, Shigeru Fujita, Cloude Mouline, Jean-Paul BARTHES, "An Approach to a Sharing of Work Awareness of Teleworkers," 14th Conference on Telework, ITA2009, pp. 32-43, (2009)


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