Shigeru Fujita's Office
Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Processing
Resent Publications in English
- Claude Moulin, Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Synchronous
Remote Collaboration Using Multi-touch Devices," to appear, 2013
- Susumu Konno, Shigeru Fujita, "Agent-Based Interface for a 3D
Virtual Office Space," ICCI*CC2013,July 17-18, 2013, NY, USA
- Norio Shiratori,, "Symbiotic Computing Based Approach Towards Reducing Users Burden Due to Information Explosion", Jornal of Information Processing, 2012
- Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita,"Mobile Symbiotic Interaction between a User and a Personal Assistant Agent," ICCI*CC2012, 2012
- Shigeru Fujita, Kenji Sugawara, "A Design Method for User Centric System Development by Symbiotic Computing," Centric2012, 2012
- Shunya Takahasi, Shigeru Fujita, "A Case Study of the Autonomous Robot System in Outdoor Environment," IW-STEIC, 2012
- Shigeru Fujita, "Knowledge Management for a LAN design and operations using multi-agent systems," CSCWD2011, 2011
- Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Interaction Zone between an office worker," CSCWD 2011, 2011
- Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Non-verbal Interface of a Personal Agent based on Symbiotic Computing Model," ICCI*CC2011, 2011
- Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, "Low-Level Cognitive Process Model for Symbol Grounding in Context-Aware System," ICCI*CC2011, 2011
- Norio Shiratori, Toshimitu Miyamoto, Devasih Chakrabory, Hideyuki takahashi, Shigeru Fujita, Takuo Suganuma, Atsushi Takeda, "Post Ubiquitous Society: Problem, Proposals and its Applications,International Jounal of Informatics Soceity," Vol.1 No.1, ISSN 1883-4566, pp. 2-15, (2009)
- Cloude Moulin, Laurent Wouters, Kenji Sugawara, Shigeru Fujita, Yusuke Manabe, "Multilingual Collaborative Design Support System",13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design,IEEE, pp. 312-318, (2009)
- Takahide Maemura, Shigeru Fujita Tetsuo Kinoshita, "Flexible Distributed System for Symbiotic Computing," 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI 2009), pp. 141-144, (2009)
- Kenji Sugawara, Yusuke Manabe, Shigeru Fujita, Cloude Mouline, Jean-Paul BARTHES, "An Approach to a Sharing of Work Awareness of Teleworkers," 14th Conference on Telework, ITA2009, pp. 32-43, (2009)
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